Pay your Lodge Dues

Pay $223.50 online for your current Dues! This amount includes a $8.00 PayPal processing fee.

Dues can also be paid through your account in iMember at

Or, send in a check for $215.50 to our Lodge Secretary at

PO Box 711, Twin Peaks, CA 92391

Pay for a Stated Mtg Dinner

Select the number of Dinners you wish you pay for… (for example 2 dinners is $30)

Payment for Facility Rentals

Pay your deposit or select the amount due from the Use and Event Agreement. Click on the link to open the Use and Event Agreement.


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We’re excited to present our most recent Trestleboard. Our monthly Trestleboard includes the most up-to-date information about our lodge. You can download our Trestleboard by clicking the links below:

November 2024 Combined Trestle Board Final